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The East High Alumni Page presents:

A memorial to East High alumni who gave their lives in service
to the United States of America as members of its military.

If you know any alumnus who should be included here, please send as much information about his/her East High association, her/his service history, and death as you can. Submissions must be verified before being listed here*.

One word appears on the crest of East High School: Honor. Fewer things could be more honorable than serving others, and even more so in a role in which one risks life and limb for the others' welfare. We dedicate this page to East High alumni who did so and gave their lives in such honorable service.

Listed alphabetically by last name as known at East

USA Flag
Lamar Heiskell, Class of 1958, Age 27, Major, U.S. Air Force

Forward Air Controller, 23rd Tactical Air Support Squadron
Missing in Action (and later presumed dead) February 6, 1967, Karst Mountain, Laos
Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall, Panel 14E - Line 129
A report on the battle leading to his becoming missing, and later presumed dead, is available on the Forward Air Controllers Tributes page (search or scroll down to find his name).
A photo and additional information is available at Task Force Omega
An obituary is available.

USA Flag
Jackie Joe Webb, Class of 1966, Age 20, Corporal, U.S. Army

196th Light Infantry Brigade
Killed in Action March 19, 1969, Quang Tin, South Vietnam
Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall, Panel 29W - Line 85
An obituary is available.

* Certain conditions are required for listing here and, as all content on The East High Alumni Page, is subject to the acceptance and editing by the editor(s).

The white on black images of the names are from the traveling replica of the Vietnam Memorial Wall.